blue velvet

Opening credits of David Lynch's Blue Velvet. My intention was to make a portrait of the United States from the 50s : too perfect during the day, transforming at night, when things distort and become elusive and unreal.

Synopsis : While going to visit his father recovering a heart attack, Jeffrey finds a human hear in the grass. Then he decides to investigate with Sandy, the inspector's daughter. They suspect Dorothy Vallens, a cabaret singer with weird habits... One night, Jeffrey attends Frank's sexual violence on Dorothy. After that, he tries to comfort her and becomes prisoner of her strange love.

The opening credits tries to evoke the transition from the pure light of the day to the particular atmosphere of the night, made of artificial electric lights. I used stereotyped pictures of America and highly saturated them which makes them even more artifical. Distortion on images and typography retranscribes the idea of transformation and strangeness. The sizzling saturated music makes the atmosphere as disturbing as the character's psychology. Music : I know - David Lynch