i see you

Creation of a cultural mediation application about Stranger Visions (Heather Dewey Hagborg) in the exhibition "Imprimer le monde" (Centre Pompidou - March 2017). The main goal was to make the artwork more understandable and to make the visitors wonder about it.

Stranger Visions : after she collected rubbish (chewing gum, hair...) on the streets of New-York, Heather Dewey Hagborg analysed their DNA in a laboratory to get some information on their owners : gender, hair and eye colour... With these samples she created photofit-pictures by mixing them together. Finally, she printed them in 3D. Her project highlights how we can be tracked with our DNA.

In the application, I wanted to retranscribe the atmosphere of mistrust of the artwork with a fake analysis of the visitor's DNA, based on absurd tests. After the tests, the app gives the visitor an absurd portrait of personnality. The goal is to make them wonder "Can I trust my DNA ? What are its limits ?". Project in partnership with Centre Pompidou and PandaSuite (development). Realised with Vincent Pittiglio.